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Advanced Custom Fields plugin is a useful and extendable plugin. ACFist is going to extend it with some handy features.

Admin Columns

Add any fields in post type lists effortlessly. It allows you to set custom column label and format the column value. Following is list of available formats.
Image returns an image for Image field.
Selected returns the selected option for Select, Checkbox, Radio Button, Button Group and True / False fields.
Truncate returns the truncated value for Text, Text Area, Email, Url, Password, Wysiwyg Editor fields.
Word Count returns the number of words for Text, Text Area, Wysiwyg Editor fields


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Contribuidores e desenvolvedores

“ACFist” é um software com código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.


Registro de alterações


* Add plugin notice when ACF plugin is inactive.


* Initial release.