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Auto Subpage Menu


By default wordpress menu system, wordpress can only automatically add/remove top-level page to/from menus

  • When publish top-level page then add it into menus
  • When move top-level page to trash then remove it from menus
  • When restore top-level page then add it into menus

this feature has no effect with subpage (child page), but Auto Subpage Menu can

  • When publish subpage (child page) then add it into menus (if its page parent exists in menu)
  • When update subpage (child page) then update menus
  • When move subpage (child page) to trash then remove it from menus
  • When restore subpage (child page) then add it into menus



  • [ ] Implement DocBlock to all
  • [ ] Automatically update child-page when its parent have been move, suggested by ncwebdev, topic
  • [ ] Add other versions into wordpress download page

Imagens de tela

  • When publish subpage then add it into menus (screenshot-1.jpg)
  • When update subpage then update menus (screenshot-2.jpg)
  • When trash subpage then remove it from menus (screenshot-3.jpg)
  • When restore subpage then add it into menus (screenshot-4.jpg)


  1. Install the plugin via plugin’s dashboard or download and upload this plugin into wp-content/plugins directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Go to Menus and check Automatically add new top-level pages to this menu
  4. Let’s see the magic


How to use it

activate the plugin on your plugin dashboard (/wp-admin/plugins.php)

How it work

please see screenshot


19 de Fevereiro, 2023 1 reply
Been spending hours looking for a module that did exactly this. The only two other modules I found were no longer maintained. Another module I found did not really work as advertised. This feature is sorely needed feature in WP. The current method of having to go to the menu admin to add in a page to the menu is often very confusing for my clients. This module still works on WP 6.1.1. I hope you can continue to maintain it.
27 de Setembro, 2017
The idea is good but the support is not very good. So if you find another plug-in with similar functionality I would advise to try that!
21 de Junho, 2017 1 reply
It doesn’t work for any existing parent/child pages , it only works on pages created after the plugin is installed. You must enable – “Automatically add new top-level pages to this menu” on the menu , if not activated , it also won’t work.
21 de Dezembro, 2016
how can I get this to work with polylang or any simliar plugin for multilanguages. the “original wordpress” function works very well: i create a new DE-site, I get a new DE-menu item. I create a new EN-Site, I get a new EN-Site. BUT by using this plugin it should work for child items as well. but it doesn’t. If i create a new DE-site-CHILD, I get a new DE-menu item (child). If I create a new EN-Site-child, I DON’T get a new EN-Site (child).
Leia todas as 12 avaliações

Contribuidores e desenvolvedores

“Auto Subpage Menu” é um software com código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.


Registro de alterações

1.1.4 (24 Apr 2016)

  • Fix issue – plugin is not working if not using default table prefix (wp_), found and fixed by ncwebdev, topic
  • Update code style
  • Add TODO section

1.1.3 (14 Feb 2016)

  • Update meta (readme file, description, link)

1.1.2 (27 Aug 2015)

  • Update readme file according wordpress readme file standard

1.1.1 (26 Aug 2015)

  • Change file name from to readme.txt
  • Update plugin description

1.1.0 (24 Aug 2015)

  • Fix issue (twice add child page to menus when update with unchanged page parent)
  • Refactoring

1.0.0 (23 Aug 2015)

  • First release