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bbPress Live Topic Suggestions


We developed this tool for our bbPress support forms over at InboundNow. Our goal was to reduce the custom support load by suggesting related topics to the user as they constucted their new topic title.

Mission accomplished.

Developers & Designers

This extension has a plubic GitHub page where users can contribute fixes and improvements. We ask that if you do make improvements that you commit them back for review so everyone can benefit.

Follow Development on GitHub
Follow Developer on Twitter

Imagens de tela

  • Example of auto-suggested topics.


  • Do you provide free support for this plugin

No. But we have a public github and we do offer paid support. Contact the plugin developer to commission your work.

  • Does this extension work with the default topic search?

No. We would love to see a drop down live search for bbpress integrated with this plugin. Contact the plugin developer to commission it!

Installation Instructions
  1. Upload bbpress-live-suggest-topics folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


3 de Setembro, 2016
Being able to see a list of similar topics makes it easier for me to ensure I make a unique title. Also, it helps users of my forum ( to see already posted questions and answers with similar titles. This plugin reminds me of the feature used on Stack-Overflow (and related/affiliated) websites.
Leia todas as 4 avaliações

Contribuidores e desenvolvedores

“bbPress Live Topic Suggestions” é um software com código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.


Registro de alterações


  • PHP7 Compatibility


  • Removed use of transients. Sites running older versions of this plugin should delete all their transients, they are ineffective and autoloading causing unneccecary backend strain. I used the plugin WP Optimize to delete my transients.

