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Click to Contact – Float Buttons


A simple yet powerful plugin to add floating contact buttons to your site. 13 different social links can be shown as well as phone and email. Nice animation and additional settings will definitely match the design of your site.

Imagens de tela

  • View on the post page.
  • Setting page


  1. Upload dir ctc-flatbuttons to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


What is the maximum number of buttons I can add to the site?

You can add up to 8 buttons. The limitation is for aesthetic reasons – more buttons won’t fit on most screens.

Can I customize the plugin?

You can change the color for all buttons to match the style of your site. However, the plugin does not allow you to replace social media icons.

How to download and install the plugin?

You can download it from your WordPress admin panel and activate it. After that, you can add links that you see fit and the plugin is ready to go and already displayed on your site!

Is there a paid version of the plugin?

No, this plugin is completely free. But the developer will be pleased if you leave a positive review about it on the official WordPress site.


24 de Fevereiro, 2024
Замечательный, быстрый, легкий, простой плагин! Есть всё, что нужно для настройки, и ничего лишнего. Большая благодарность разработчику!Было бы еще лучше, если бы можно было добавить 2 кнопки Телеграм: одну – для канала, вторую – для личных сообщений.
22 de Janeiro, 2024
Izvrstan i responzivan dodatak, potpuno funkcionalan. Bilo bi još bolje implementirati opciju umetanja kratkog koda ili html koda u dodatni utor za ikone društvenih medija kako bismo ga mogli dodatno prilagoditi i proširiti slučajeve njegove upotrebe. Hvala vam. Great and responsive plugin, fully functional. It would be even better to implement option to insert shortcode or html code in the extra social media icon slot so we could be able to further customise it and broaden its use cases. Thank you.
25 de Junho, 2022
Много настроек и быстрая работа плагина. Установил и работает. Спасибо!
Leia todas as 3 avaliações

Contribuidores e desenvolvedores

“Click to Contact – Float Buttons” é um software com código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.


Registro de alterações

1.0.3 – 2023-04-03

  • WordPress 6.2 compatible

1.0.2 – 2022-06-29

  • Fixed opening icon on boot.

1.0.1 – 2022-06-23

  • WordPress 6.0.0 compatible

1.0 – 2022-05-04

  • Creation of the first version.