Add quickly and easily your own custom LESS/CSS/JAVASCRIPT code and external resources (stylesheets and scripts) to your website, via the core WP Customizer. You don’t even need to create a child-theme or create any other files in your current theme if you use this plugin. Just add your javascript, LESS/CSS code and everything will be stored automatically, in a compiled CSS file for the styles, and a JavaScript file for the scripts.
VIDEO (How it works?)
- Add custom LESS/CSS to your site.
- Unlimited external Stylesheets (modal window).
- Custom JavaScript code.
- Unlimited external Scripts (modal window).
- JavaScript Position (head or footer) (Choose where to place the JavaScript custom code and the external JS Scripts.)
- Add custom HTML code in the <head> tag.
- Add custom HTML code right after open <body> tag.
- Add custom HTML code before closing </body> tag.
- Minified CSS code (You are able to choose from settings if you would like to have a minified CSS code after the LESS/CSS compiling.)
- Maximize editor (You can open each code editor in a maximized modal window.)
What is LESS?
Here is an example how to write LESS/CSS code.
Full documentation and less syntax in the official website
LESS code:
@global_color: #FF0000;
@global_font_size: 14px;
@secondary_color: #CCC;
body {
color: @global_color;
font-size: @global_font_size;
.container {
color: @secondary_color;
font-size: @global_font_size * 2;
Which outputs (CSS):
body {
color: #FF0000;
font-size: 14px;
.container {
color: #CCC;
font-size: 24px;
Username: demo
Password: demo
Imagens de tela
The plugin is simple to install:
- Download the file
. - Unzip it.
- Upload
directory to your/wp-content/plugins
directory. - Go to the plugin management page and enable the plugin.
- Configure the options from the
Settings > Easy Custom Code
My custom code (CSS and JS) which added in this plugin only, will be deleted after uninstalling the plugin?
Yes, your custom code (LESS/CSS/JS) will be deleted. Also, the created css file will be deleted.
Why I need this plugin?
Because, you can quickly and easily add your own custom code LESS/CSS/JAVASCRIPT and external resources (stylesheets and scripts) into your site, without creating a child-theme or create any other files in your current theme.
Contribuidores e desenvolvedores
“Easy Custom Code (LESS/CSS/JS) – Live editing” é um software com código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.
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Registro de alterações
27-Nov-2024 : v1.1.1
- Bug Fixed: Some characters are converted to escaped HTML characters. Any HTML entities like > and < have been decoded back to normal characters (>, <). [Many thanks to Yannick Geerinckx]
- Minor fixes and improvements
12-Aug-2024 : v1.1.0
- Bug Fixed: The &:focus and the &:hover return errors while writing less code in the customizer.
19-Jul-2024 : v1.0.9
- Fully compatible with WordPress v6.6.x
- Upgrade LESS CSS compiler to v0.8.0
- Minor fixes and improvements
18-Apr-2024 : v1.0.8
- Fully compatible with WordPress v6.5.x
- Minor fixes and improvements
23-Oct-2023 : v1.0.7
- Fully compatible with WordPress v6.3.x
- Minor fixes and improvements
07-Jun-2023 : v1.0.6
- [Compatibility] Fully compatible with WordPress v6.2
- Minor fixes and improvements
14-Jun-2022 : v1.0.5
- [Compatibility] Fully compatible with WordPress v6.0
- Minor fixes and improvements
11-Feb-2022 : v1.0.4
- [Compatibility] Fully compatible with WordPress v5.9
- Minor fixes and improvements
28-Jul-2021 : v1.0.3
- [Compatibility] Fully compatible with WordPress v5.8
- Minor fixes and improvements
09-Apr-2021 : v1.0.2
- [Compatibility] Fully compatible with WordPress v5.7
- Minor fixes and improvements
16-Oct-2019 : v1.0.1
- [New Option] Add custom code in the head tag.
- [New Option] Add custom code right after open body tag.
- [New Option] Add custom code before closing body tag.
- [New Feature] You can now open each code editor in a maximized modal window (Only in PRO version).
- [Improvement] The generated CSS file (.css) is now stored with a unique name, into the folder /wp-content/uploads/easy-custom-code/css/style_123456.css, instead of the /wp-content/uploads/custom.css as it was before.
- [Improvement] The generated JavaScript file (.js) is now stored with a unique name, into the folder /wp-content/uploads/easy-custom-code/js/script_123456.js/, instead in head.
- [Improvement] The CSS file name option has been removed. The generated CSS file name will be unique now.
- [Improvement] New strings have been added to the language file (.pot).
08-Oct-2019 : v1.0.0
- First beta release