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F13 Movies


Using Movie Shortcode you can easily add information about a movie, tv show, episode or actor to a blog post.

Simply enter the shortcode: [movie imdb=”an IMDB ID”] or [movie title=”A Movie Title”] to a blog post to add an array of information about the movie, tv show or episode; or enter the shortcode [actor tmdb=”a TMDB person ID”] or [actor name=”An actors name”] to a blog post to add an array of information about the actor.


Optional attributes:

  • cachetime=”A time in minutes” – default is 1440 (24 hours)
  • plot=”short|full” – default is full
  • disable=”title,image,plot,information,rating” – comma separated list of sections to remove
  • image_size=”1200″ – maximum image size in pixels
  • trailer=”youtube video ID” – a youtube video ID for the movie trailer

If adding the shortcode with a title, rather than an IMDB ID, the following attributes are also optional to find the correct entry:

  • type=”movie|series|episode”
  • year=”The year of the movie”


Optional attributes (actor):

  • cachetime=”A time in minutes” – default is 1440 (24 hours)


  • Styled appearance
  • Shows film title, year, release date
  • If showing a series, the total number of seasons is displayed
  • If showing an episode, the season and episode number are displayed
  • Displays the plot or synopsis
  • Displays a poster image if one is available
  • If a poster image is available it is added to your media library and loaded locally
  • Displays movie stats such as the runtime, genre, awards, director, writer, Actors
  • Displays the available languages and country of origin
  • Provides the IMDB rating, including a star rating image
  • Adds a link to the movie on IMDB
  • Utilizes transient caching to reduce page load times and api calls
  • Disable widget blocks to customize the appearance to your needs

Arbitrary section

Imagens de tela

  • The results of adding [movie imdb=”tt0480249″] to a blog post.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Add the shortcode [movie imdb=”an IMDB ID”], or [movie title=”A movie title”] to the desired location on your blog


How do I find an IMDB ID

When viewing a movie, tv show or episode on, the ID is the string starting with ‘tt’, usually in the format

How do I adjust the cache time

Add the attribute cachetime=”a time in minutes” to your shortcode

Using the shortcode with a title returns the wrong movie

Try adding the optional attributes, type=”movie|series|episode” and year=”a year” to refine your search result

How do I hide the plot and information

Include the optional “disable” attribute, disable=”plot,information”


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Contribuidores e desenvolvedores

“F13 Movies” é um software com código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.


Registro de alterações


  • Fix removing all non alphanumeric characters from IMDB ID


  • Fix instructions for TMDB API, Read Access Token is required, not API Key


  • Improved error handling for TMDB API, if API returns an error, this is presented to the user
  • Notify user of success / error when saving admin settings
  • Fix: setting cachetime=0 in shortcode forces API call on every page load


  • Adding alt text to images
  • Setting TMDB logo as no-lightbox
  • Removing console logs if F13_MOVIE_DEV is false


  • Adding “image_size” attribute to movie shortcode
  • Adding “trailer” attribute to movie shortcode
  • Adding secondary API via “The Movie Database”
  • Adding “actor” shortcode


  • Adding “title” to disable fields


  • CSS box sizing, stopping plot overflowing into other elements


  • Optional attribute to disable blocks from the widget


  • Initial release