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Gita Verses and Quotes


Gita consists of valuable lessons of life, spirituality etc given by Lord Krishna to Arjun.
Display beautiful verses from Gita on your website using shortcode and widget.
1. Use shortcode [gita-quote] to display randomly generated Gita verses in Hindi langauge(default).
2. Use shortcode [gita-quote-english] to display randomly generated Gita verses in English langauge.
3. You can also show these verses as widgets on your website. In the widget options screen you can choose the language between hindi or english.

Imagens de tela

  • Screenshot of Gita verses and quotes using shortcode.
  • Screenshot of Gita verses and quotes using widget.


  1. Upload the \”Gita Verses and Quotes\” plugin to your blog and activate it
  2. Now use shortcode [gita-quote] to display the quotes and verses.


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Contribuidores e desenvolvedores

“Gita Verses and Quotes” é um software com código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.


Registro de alterações


  • Now gita verses and quotes can be diplayed in hindi language also.
  • Use shortcode [gita-quote] to display quotes in hindi and [gita-quote-english] to display quotes in english language.
  • In widget options also the language can be chosen as per requirement.


  • Initial version