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MapBBCode for WordPress


This plugin allows to use shortcode [map]
which transforms to Leaflet based map.

For more information, check out


Add shortcode into you pages:

  • [map][/map] for default map
  • [map=Zoom,Latitude,Longitude][/map] for map centered at (Latitude, Longitude)
  • [map]Latitude,Longitude(Text)[/map] for map with balloon
  • [map]Lat1,Lon1; Lat2,Lon2[/map] for map with multiple markers
  • [map]Lat1,Lon1 Lat2,Lon2 Lat3,Lon3(color|Text)[/map] for map with polyline or polygon

See examples.


Width of all maps are 604 pixels, it is good for Twenty Thirteen theme but
still not tested with other themes and may appear ugly.

Imagens de tela

  • Map in a default location with no features.
  • Map with polygon and popup.


  1. Go to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory,
  2. Put plugin content to the mapbb-wordpress directory:
    • Download and unzip archive:
      • from
      • from Guthub
    • Clone repository from github:
      git clone
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.


No FAQ yet.


15 de Fevereiro, 2018
Works still in WP 4.9.4, has problems with https, as the default layer pulls images with http, not https, and also cannot be reconfigured as such – I tried to patch the code. So I ended up in patching the code to pull a different default layer, which does work. Also a possibility to specify width and height of the map would be great. Otherwise: Good to have this, thanks a lot!
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“MapBBCode for WordPress” é um software com código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.


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Initial release