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OB DB Excel Converter


This plugin provide you the functionality to export MySql database table to excel file. The plugin is very easy to use. It also allow you to show all database table’s value with “Convert To Excel” option in admin panel.

We are currently working on a new functionality which will provide you the functionality to export database table with selected field name.

Plugin Functionalities:

  1. Easy to see all database table in Admin Panel
  2. Export any table to Excel file
  3. Easy to see results in Admin Panel by writing custom MySQL query
  4. Copy/CSV/Excel/PDF/Print the output custom MySQL query result
  5. We are adding additional more functionality to this plugin soon…

Imagens de tela

  • Screenshot of admin panel.
  • Database table displayed in Admin Panel.
  • Run SQL page in admin.
  • Database table displayed by custom SQL in Admin Panel.


Please follow there easy steps to install the plugin –

  1. Upload “” to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory and extract it.
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
  3. Now, you will see a menu “OB DB Excel Converter” in admin panel, click on it.
  4. Get all functionalities of the plugin, Enjoy…


Does this plugin create any table in database?

No, this plugin does not create any table in your database.

Can I uninstall this plugin anytime?

Yes! you can uninstall it anytime, simply goto plugin section of your admin panel and delete the plugin named “OB DB Excel Converter”.


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Contribuidores e desenvolvedores

“OB DB Excel Converter” é um software com código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.


Registro de alterações


  • Initial release.


  • You can now run custom MySQL query and Copy/CSV/Excel/PDF/Print the output result.


  • Bugs fixed and added security for custom sql.
  • Added table name select when write custom sql.