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Olark for WP


Olark for WP makes it easy for WordPress authors to offer live help/chat on their sites. Or even just a one-on-one chat mechanism. Simply drop in the plugin, enter your Olark account ID, and start chatting with your site visitors through your favorite IM client. No complicated settings, one file to drop in, and best of all it’s FREE!

To learn more about Olark and how it works visit (the official Olark website)[].

Get more support at the official Olark for WordPress page.

Known Issues

  • FireFox May Have Issues with the Olark Control Panel

Imagens de tela

  • The Olark for WordPress backend interface


  1. Extract all files from the ZIP archive, making sure to keep the file structure intact.
  2. Upload the olark-for-wp folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
  4. Go to the Olark for WP menu which is located under the Settings menu in the admin interface.
  5. Enter your Olark account ID and then go to the frontend of your website to see your new chat widget in action!

See Also: “Installing Plugins” article on the WP Codex


Is Olark really that awesome?


I get “____” error

Please report any errors you get to me. You can either post here or contact me directly.

What if I have questions that are not covered here?

The best way to get in contact with me is though my website. Please contact me any time if you have questions, comments, etc. Also, you can leave a comment on the official Olark for WordPress page.


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Contribuidores e desenvolvedores

“Olark for WP” é um software com código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.


Registro de alterações

04.28.09 – v1.0 – The first version

08.28.09 – v2.0 – Updated the plugin to reflect the brand change from to Olark

06.03.11 – v2.1 – Forked From Olark for WordPress/ Upgraded to New Olark Async Code, Added Callout Widget

06.04.11 – v2.2 – Major Rewrite Moving to More Modern Plugin Codex/API

06.05.11 – v2.3 – Added Olark API for logged in Users

06.05.11 – v2.3.1 – Fixed the read-me

06.07.11 – v2.3.2-3 – Fixing Typos

06.07.11 – v2.4 – Add in Plugin Sign up

06.08.11 – v2.4.1 – Bug Fix on Signup (Sessions Will Now persist between page loads)

09.1.11 – v2.4.2 – Removed iFrame at request of Olark

05.09.13 – v2.5 Updating Olark Includes, Removing Deprecated Code, Removing referral Links. This project is now dead.

04.26.16 – v2.5.2 Bug Fixes