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Ridplace Rating Stars


Add rating stars on your website and in google search results

Install the ridplace Rating Stars Plugin

Then with the ridplace shortcode [ridplace_ratingstars], you will have the rating provided by and stars will appear in the google search result


very simple

Just install the plugin
Activate the plugin

add the shortcode [ridplace_ratingstars] wherever you want (pages, posts, widget, footer …)

then the ridplace stars rating will appear!


3 de Novembro, 2023
Fabulous and simple way to get ratings and reviews for a wordpress site.Installation takes less than a minute, and a simple short code displays the site’s rating.The plugin is completely free!Thanks a lot!
Leia 1 avaliação

Contribuidores e desenvolvedores

“Ridplace Rating Stars” é um software com código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.
