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Simplest Colorbox


This plugin is intended as an easy to use alternative to other lightbox/Colorbox alternatives. Unlike most other plugins with similar functionality, this one does not have any settings or requirements whatsoever. “Simplest Colorbox” in contrast to simple “Simple Colorbox” also doesn’t uses any transition effects.


  1. Upload plugin-name.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Place <?php do_action('plugin_name_hook'); ?> in your templates


How to activate the plugin?

Simply install and activate the plugin. No settings necessary.

Is there a option page?

No. Nothing. Install, active and use.


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Contribuidores e desenvolvedores

“Simplest Colorbox” é um software com código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.


Registro de alterações


Initial release