If you’ve written a question or answer on any Stack Exchange site and you would like to share it with your readers, you are no longer limited to pasting a static link. Instead, StackTack will embed a live widget with the contents of the question and some of the top rated answers.
Imagens de tela
- Upload the directory
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
- To insert a StackTack widget, click the Stack Exchange icon in the toolbar.
- Are all Stack Exchange sites supported?
Yes, all Stack Exchange sites are supported.
- Can I have multiple instances of StackTack on the same page?
Yes, the widget can be embedded multiple times on the same page.
There are no reviews for this plugin.
Contribuidores e desenvolvedores
“StackTack” é um software com código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.
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Interessado no desenvolvimento?
Navegue pelo código, dê uma olhada no repositório SVN ou assine o registro de desenvolvimento via RSS.
Registro de alterações
- Fixed bug that prevented requests to the API from using HTTPS
- Added a paragraph to the global settings page
- Moved the JS and CSS for the dialog to separate files
- Added individual widget options
- Added ability to display only a single answer
- Added options page
- Updated to latest version of StackTack