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Subpage List


If you ever needs to place a table of contents or list of subpages on your website, this is the plugin you need.

Using widgets, shortcodes and a built-in WordPress method, this plugin enables you to efficiently show a table of contents or a list of subpages to a given page. View WordPress Codex for configuration details.

Widget features

  • Limit to display on specific pages
  • Fallback to parent (If current page has no subpages, subpages of the parent page will be listed instead – usefull for sidebar menus)
  • Subpage List configuration (wp_list_pages)

Shortcode examples

  • [subpages]
  • [subpages depth=”1″]
  • [subpages title_li=”Subpages:” child_of=”24″]
  • [subpages walker=”SubpageListExcerptWalker”]
  • [subpages depth=”1″ _parent_fallback=”true”]


Plugin is renamed from “Subpage View” to “Subpage List” – if you used this plugin before, you are still able to use the subpage-view and subpage-list shortcodes.

Imagens de tela


Easy installation:
1. Upload subpage-view.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
3. Place [subpage-view] (or any valid shortcode) in your editor (see Description).


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Contribuidores e desenvolvedores

“Subpage List” é um software com código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.
