Tag do plugin: iframe
WP Video Floater
(0 avaliações totais)This plugin will allow you to keep your videos playing floating at the bottom of the page as you scroll down.
Simple exit popup
(0 avaliações totais)Simple exit pop up plugin that uses jQuery and the Animate style library to display the pop up box when users try to exit the browser window.
Iframe Block for Gutenberg
(0 avaliações totais)Iframe Block is a versatile WordPress Gutenberg block plugin, designed to seamlessly embed YouTube, Vimeo videos, and content from various websites us …
NewPath WildApricotPress Add-on – iFrame Widget
(0 avaliações totais)The iFrame Widget block enables NewPath WildApricot Press customers to insert WildApricot iframe widgets into a post or page without needing to know t …
Regiondo ShortCodes
(1 avaliações totais)Add Regiondo Widgets through Wordpress Shortcodes without the need to copy iFrames. Available Widgets: Booking, Reviews and Voucher.
iFrame Me
(0 avaliações totais)Easily add iframe with a simple shortcode. [iframe_me]https://example.com[/iframe_me]
Native Lazyload + Polyfill
(0 avaliações totais)Adds native lazyloading to all images and embeds (Chrome) and adds a polyfill to make it work in all browsers.
iFrame Images Gallery
(1 avaliações totais)iframe images gallery is a simple wordpress plugin to create horizontal image slideshow. Horizontal bar will be display below the images to scroll.
Rafa TinyMCE Iframe
(0 avaliações totais)With this plugin you can place an iframe inside the TinyMCE text editor.
Lightning Flow iFrame
(0 avaliações totais)Shortcode to embed a scalable Salesforce Lightning Flow iframe.
SlimFast – YouTube Lazyloader
(1 avaliações totais)This minimalist lazyloader makes your video pages slimmer and faster. SlimFast replaces heavy YouTube iframes by their thumbnail. View a demo.
Mini iframe box
(0 avaliações totais)A mini iframe window box that contains another html content or web page url.
Taro iframe Block
(1 avaliações totais)Add iframe block for your editor. Responsive and keeping aspect ratio.
PeerPal Widget
(0 avaliações totais)PeerPal is a platform that helps organizations put their community front and center in the admissions process. More information on the PeerPal product …
iFrame-less Reloaded
(0 avaliações totais)iFrame-less Reloaded plugin is a simple and SEO friendly way to embed non-PHP dynamic content directly onto a wordpress page.
Feedbackstr easyShare
(1 avaliações totais)Integrate your Feedbackstr.com feedback tab or your entire survey into your Wordpress page and change all tab settings directly on the Wordpress admin …