Tag do plugin: ip blocker
(5 avaliações totais)This plugin blocks detected attackers or displays them a captcha to check they are not bots.
IP Address Approval
(3 avaliações totais)The IP Address Approval system provides an easy way for you to Allow or Block access to your website to protect your site from unwanted visitors.
Tor Blocker by Inazo
(0 avaliações totais)This plugin blocks Tor users by preventing them from viewing your website.
ClarifyIP Geo Blocking
(0 avaliações totais)Simplified Geo blocking/allowing users to access your website.
AIS: IP Blocker
(0 avaliações totais)Blocks malicious IP Addresses, Spammers and Hackers from accessing page without compromising the performance of your WordPress Website.
IP Blocker WP par JM Créa
(0 avaliações totais)Bloquez n’importe quelle adresse IP sur votre site (back et front) et soyez notifié par mail et sms.
Mr Blocker
(3 avaliações totais)It is a very simple tool to block the annoying traffic , Just check the boxes then block the annoying/suspicious traffic coming from unwanted countrie …
Addon Submission Blocker for Gravityforms
(0 avaliações totais)Block specific email addresses, domains, and IP addresses from submitting forms in Gravity Forms.