Tag do plugin: issues
Content No Cache | Serve uncached partial content even when you add it to a page that is fully cached.
(19 avaliações totais)Serve uncached partial content even when you add it to a page that is fully cached.
Manage Issue Based Magazine (Multi-language)
(14 avaliações totais)Transform your website from a boring blog into a mesmerizing magazine in your language.
scifi Task Manager
(7 avaliações totais)scifi Task Manager is simple admin dash only task manager. Purpose of it is to manage and
WP Mantis Table
(0 avaliações totais)This plugin for Wordpress 2.8 and above allows you to insert a simple table listing of issues from a Mantis Bug Tracker into a wordpress page or post.
Bitbucket Issues Plugin
(0 avaliações totais)Aggregate issues from all repositories owned by a bitbucket.org user and display as list.
Wp Easy Survey
(0 avaliações totais)Manage survey for making evaluation on post types in wordpress / Gestion de formulaire pour réaliser des audit sur les post type dans Worpress
WP Gitlab
(0 avaliações totais)Display users Gitlab public profile, repositories, commits, and issues.
(1 avaliações totais)Create, view and comment on issues within your existing Redmine installation from within Wordpress Backend.