Tag do plugin: joke
Content Randomizer
(6 avaliações totais)This plugin allows you to add texts, images, videos and display them in a random order or slideshow.
Joke of the Day
(0 avaliações totais)Plugin "Joke of the Day" displays jokes on your blog. There are over 40,000 jokes in 40 categories.
(0 avaliações totais)Einfachen 'Shortcode Plugin' um den 'Witz des Tages' oder einen 'Zufallswitz' direkt in den Blog zu laden.
Joke of the Day Advanced
(0 avaliações totais)Freshen up your WordPress site with a new joke every day.
Whoa! Rotate
(2 avaliações totais)Whoa! Rotate gives you an easy to use shortcode that will rotate your page for the user. Just use the shortcode [whoa-rotate] anywhere in a page.
Hello Kushimoto
(6 avaliações totais)This is not just a plugin. When activated you will randomly see a Quotations of legendary engineer Mr. M in the upper right of your admin screen on ev …
(0 avaliações totais)混雑状況を知らせてお客様の安心に繋げます。1ステップで御社のウェブサイトに数パターンの混雑状況を反映しましょう。ソーシャルディスタンスを保つプラグインです。