Tag do plugin: migration
Joomla to WP Migrated Users Authentication Plugin
(7 avaliações totais)A plugin to authenticate users migrated from Joomla/Mambo to Wordpress.
WP Event Manager Migration
(0 avaliações totais)WP Event Manager Migration help you to facilitate the migration of events, venues and organizers from The Event Calendar, Modern Event Calendar, Event …
mPress Fix URL References
(5 avaliações totais)Easily fix URL references in your WordPress database.
Check Search Engine Visibility on Migration
(1 avaliações totais)This plugin is designed for people who has a developmental site that is different from the live site.
Green Backup – Backup WordPress, Clone, & Migration Solution (Local, Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3, etc.)
(2 avaliações totais)Secure, reliable, and easy WordPress backups & migrations plugin. Trusted by professionals to safeguard your digital presence with scheduled backu …
Ali2Woo Migration Tool
(0 avaliações totais)Ali2Woo Migration Tool allows you to convert products imported by third-party plugins to Ali2Woo format.
WPServeur Migration
(3 avaliações totais)WP Serveur Migration vous permet de migrer facilement votre site WordPress sur la plateforme WP Serveur.
Crayon Syntax Highlighter to Pastacode
(0 avaliações totais)The only use of this plugin is to convert Crayon Syntax Highlighter's tags into Pastacode shortcodes.
Joomla 1.5 Importer
(1 avaliações totais)This plugin exports articles from a Joomla 1.5 database and imports them as posts into Wordpress.
Nelio Unlocker – Importer
(0 avaliações totais)Unlock Your Content – Convert Your Site To Gutenberg or Elementor Effortlessly
Canalblog Importer
(1 avaliações totais)Fatigué(e) d'avoir à gérer un blog sur Canalblog ? Cette extension va vous permettre de TOUT récupérer en quelques clics.
MB ACF Migration
(0 avaliações totais)Migrate custom fields from Advanced Custom Fields to Meta Box.
(15 avaliações totais)Easily move content and code between WordPress sites. Pull your site's DB to a dev site, push new code to a staging site, etc.
Exclude Files for AIO WP Migration
(0 avaliações totais)Files & Folder Excluder for All-in-One WP Migration.
Recover Text Widgets
(1 avaliações totais)This plugin helps you to restore/recover lost text widgets.
hiWeb Migration Simple
(3 avaliações totais)Plugin to automatically change the paths and links in the database of your site on wordpress. Just migrate files and the site database to a new hostin …
Blogger Redirector
(0 avaliações totais)Redirect or accept the permalinks, post, feeds requests forwarded from Blogger to apporiate page on WordPress. Useful for migrating the traffic from …
Yogeta WP Cloud
(0 avaliações totais)Improve WordPress performance: Improve WordPress capabilities for Yogeta's most advanced cloud platform with the Yogeta plugin
(0 avaliações totais)Migrate your WordPress data to Chimpify or your Chimpify data to WordPress. Posts, comments, users & media files.