Tag do plugin: payment
ELEX WooCommerce Discount Per Payment Method
(4 avaliações totais)It will be a pleasant little surprise for customers if you offer a discount based on the payment method they have chosen on the Checkout page.
Payment Page | Best Payment Form Plugin for Stripe & PayPal
(23 avaliações totais)Payment Page is the easiest way to accept online payments. Connect your payment gateway, choose a template, and you're ready to go!
Pagamento Multicaixa (gateway ProxyPay) para WooCommerce
(1 avaliações totais)Este plugin permite que clientes com uma conta bancária Angolana paguem encomendas do WooCommerce em Kwanzas através de Pagamento por Referência no Multicaixa, utilizando a gateway ProxyPay.
Pronamic Pay with Mollie for Ninja Forms
(1 avaliações totais)Connect Mollie to Ninja Forms with Pronamic Pay. This free plugin is all that you need to start selling with Ninja Forms.