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TP PieBuilder


This Plugin provides you an elegent Bar Graph and Pie Charts with multiple designs and colors. ie. Default Pie Chart, Doughnut Pie Chart and Polar Pie Chart.

Customization and Flexibility

TP PieBuilder offers you a very easy customization of color from shortcode. This plugin allows you to customize title from css.


= Defaults Atts :- =
* title = ”, // Optional
* values = ”, // * in percentage (%) ( should be seperated by comma (‘,’). ie: 60, 40 )
* labels = ”, // * ( should be seperated by comma (‘,’). ie: Design, Development )
* colors = ” // Optional till 10 elements else * ( should be seperated by ‘,’. ie: #E6E6FA, #E0FFFF )

Alt Atts for Pie Charts only:

* fontfamily = 'ariel', // Optional, you can change the defult font family
* fontstyle = 'italic', // Optional, you can change the defult font style to normal or bold

Default Piechart Shortcode:

[TP_PIEBUILDER title="Pie Chart" values="20, 30, 50" labels="Design, Development, Production" colors="#E6E6FA, #E0FFFF, #F8B4BC"]

Doughnut Piechart Shortcode:

[TP_PIEBUILDER_DOUGHNUT title="Pie Chart" values="20, 30, 50" labels="Design, Development, Production" colors="#E6E6FA, #E0FFFF, #F8B4BC"]

Polar Piechart Shortcode:

[TP_PIEBUILDER_POLAR title="Pie Chart" values="20, 30, 50" labels="Design, Development, Production" colors="#E6E6FA, #E0FFFF, #F8B4BC"]

Bar Graph Shortcode:

[TP_PIEBUILDER_BAR title="Pie Chart" values="20, 30, 50" labels="Design, Development, Production" colors="#E6E6FA, #E0FFFF, #F8B4BC"]

Horizontal Bar Graph Shortcode:

[TP_PIEBUILDER_HORIZONTAL_BAR title="Pie Chart" values="20, 30, 50" labels="Design, Development, Production" colors="#E6E6FA, #E0FFFF, #F8B4BC"]

Imagens de tela

  • Normal Pie.
  • Doughnut Pie.
  • Polar Pie.
  • Bar Graph.
  • Horizontal Bar Graph.


Using The WordPress Dashboard

  • Navigate to the ‘Add New’ in the plugins dashboard
  • Search for TP PieBuilder
  • Click Install Now
  • Activate the plugin on the Plugin dashboard

Uploading in WordPress Dashboard

  • Navigate to the ‘Add New’ in the plugins dashboard
  • Navigate to the ‘Upload’ area
  • Select from your computer
  • Click ‘Install Now’
  • Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard

Using FTP

  • Download
  • Extract the tp-piebuilder directory to your computer
  • Upload the tp-piebuilder directory to the /wp-content/plugins/directory
  • Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard


There is something cool you could add…


3 de Julho, 2020
Easy to use plugin which works perfectly out of the box. Nice one!
Leia todas as 2 avaliações

Contribuidores e desenvolvedores

“TP PieBuilder” é um software com código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.


Registro de alterações


  • Tested in WordPress 6.0


  • Tested in WordPress 5.8.1


  • Tested in WordPress 5.5


  • Tested in WordPress 5.2


  • Added link to pro version
  • Updated setting page


  • Added font styling in pie charts


  • Tested in WordPress 4.9.4


  • Tested in WordPress 4.8.1
  • Added Horizontal Bar Graph


  • Tested in WordPress 4.8


  • Initial release.