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Video Onclick


Speed up your site! Instead of heavy flash plugin this plugin loads only thumbnail of video and play button.

Chech my EXAMPLE.

Make viewing videos comfortable and profitable! When user clicks on play button, video player is loaded in popup window. You can customize it with CSS and special option in menu to add custom text (Advertisement for example).

Keep videos on your site up to date! If video was deleted or became private, since you added it to post, link to that video and post will be added to table in Options Menu.

This plugin supports youtube and vimeo embded code.

This plugin adds button to visual editor(MCE) to insert youtube and vimeo shortcode

You can configure design of the popup windows with CSS. See exaple.


  1. Upload ‘/video-onclick/’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Add in post or page shortcode


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Contribuidores e desenvolvedores

“Video Onclick” é um software com código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.


Registro de alterações


  • NEW: Bookmark link to any video on page
  • FIX: PHP error in admin page “Invalid argument supplied for foreach()”


  • NEW: Options for inline video
  • FIX: Fatal error on activation in version 0.4.5


  • NEW: Added pagination to errors table
  • FIX: Error with getting ID of the posts with errors
  • FIX: Adding error videos to cache


  • NEW: Vimeo shortcode now provide Thumbnail, New Popup window with CSS support, Error reporting


  • NEW: Table in options, that shows youtube videos that had error for last 72 hours and in which post.
  • NEW: Default CSS file. Can be switched off in options.


  • NEW: Design of the thumbnail in text
  • NEW: Title is loaded from Youtube or can be entered in shortcode attribute title=””
  • NEW: Play button in the center of the image. It can be configured in options, or in shortcode attribute play_img=””


  • FIX: Error, if the video was not found


  • NEW: Youtube thumbs are parsed and showed instead of default image.
  • NEW: Youtube video opens as set of DIVs and can be configured with CSS.
  • NEW: You can output some text with video in popup(Ad for example). Configured in options
  • NEW: You can configure design of the Close button. In option and CSS.


  • NEW: Shortcode
  • NEW: Vimeo support


  • NEW: Google Analytics async event tracking


  • NEW: Button in MCE
  • NEW: Shortcode