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World Property Journal Real Estate News Free


Embed real estate news from all over the world on your website. Simply paste the following shortcode where you would like the feed to be displayed: [wpj_news] . By using this free plugin you consent to having WPJ branding and links on pages that include the shortcode.

This is a great tool for realtors, property managers, real estate investors or anyone that would like to make the latest global real estate news available at the fingertips of their site visitors.

Third party information: This plugin utilizes the World Property Journal syndication service, showing a title and excerpt of recent real estate news headlines. Those links refer to the full article on the WPJ website. This is only utilized with the shortcode present.

Learn more:

Terms of Use:

Privacy Policy:

Imagens de tela

  • Page editing view, using the shortcode
  • Front-end view, with the shortcode expanded


Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins folder.

Active the plugin

Simply paste the following shortcode where you would like the feed to be displayed: [wpj_news]


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Contribuidores e desenvolvedores

“World Property Journal Real Estate News Free” é um software com código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.


Registro de alterações

1.0 Ready for Release