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WPMK Portfolio


WPMK Portfolio

This WPMK Portfolio will add portfolio, media gallery in to your wordpress website, you can showcase your projects and photography or video of your choise. This plugin is also responsive which means it would work perfectly on desktop, tablet and mobile screen. If you read through our documentation we have provided step by step instructions to use functionality and customization of this plugin.

You can use this plugin in your theme, just copy `wpmk_portfolio_items` folder in your theme root like `twentytwelve/wpmk_portfolio_items` and customize it as you like than your template will not over write in any update of plugin.

Plugin Features

  1. You can create your own templates with the help of documentation.
  2. Designer and Developer can easily customize it.
  3. Work as part of your theme.
  4. Custom Post Type.
  5. Enable / Disable Filter in plugin option page.
  6. Filter Sort Order.
  7. 50+ Animation
  8. Light waight
  9. SEO Friendly
  10. Responsive

Plugin ideal usage

  1. Add Your Portfolio.
  2. Add Your Projects.
  3. Add Your Media Gallery.
  4. Add Your Showcase.
  5. Add Your Photography.

and much more ideas, you can use it.


Please refresh your permalink after the installed plugin.

Imagens de tela

  • 3 Column Grid View
  • 4 Column Grid View
  • Admin Screen


  1. Upload WPMK Portfolio to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

Simply download and upload / Installed and active the plugin.


Please use Support tab OR use this link


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Contribuidores e desenvolvedores

“WPMK Portfolio” é um software com código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin.


Registro de alterações

Release 1.0 – 06 September, 2018