Tag do plugin: source code
Embed Extended – Embed Maps, Videos, Websites, Source Codes, and more
(7 avaliações totais)Embed any external content into WordPress posts and pages. It works seamlessly on Gutenberg, Elementor, classic editor, the embed shortcode, as well a …
Power Code Editor
(0 avaliações totais)Enables syntax highlighting in the integrated source code editors. Supports PHP, HTML, CSS and JS.
WP Editarea
(3 avaliações totais)WP Editarea turns your Oldschool textarea code editor in Wordpress Dashboard (plugin/theme editor) into a fancy realtime highlighted code editor using …
(1 avaliações totais)This plugin allows you very simply syntax highlight source code in your content using highlight.js or google-code-prettify libraries.
iG:Syntax Hiliter
(1 avaliações totais)A plugin to easily present source code on your site with syntax highlighting and formatting (as seen in code editors, IDEs).
Javascript Obfuscator
(2 avaliações totais)Encrypt Your Javascript Source Code By Obfuscating To Prevent Let Others Copying.
Ignore Code
(3 avaliações totais)Causes the visual editor to ignore code within the ignore_code shortcode. Great at keeping advanced HTML, JavaScript, or PHP code intact.
Orbisius Snippets
(0 avaliações totais)This plugin allows you to include snippets in your posts/pages.